Unfortunately there were a lot of the club fisho’s unable to attend last weeks competition against the Grange and we lost heavily by 761.3 points to 399.1 points we still produced the days top angle , Adam Overton who score a mightily impressive score of 381.1 points.
Author Archives: admin
Gosford RSL Fishing Club Competition 12/2/22
Despite the rather windy conditions for the weekend there were still plenty of fish weighed in. Top rod on the day was 159.2 points from Antony O’Dwyer with Kevin Timbrell second on 132.0 points. Third was was Craig Ashton on 118.8 points but this was a bone of contention as the captain of the boatContinue reading “Gosford RSL Fishing Club Competition 12/2/22”
Updated Gosford RSL Fishing ClubAGM Agenda
Please see revised agenda with correct time
Gosford RSL AGM 2023
Hello Fellow Members, Attached is notice of our AGM on 5th of February. Unfortunately, the Ocean Beach Hotel Fishing Club has informed me that they will not be able to field a team to fish in the Peninsula Competition. As a result this long standing competition will fold. The last competition outing will be this comingContinue reading “Gosford RSL AGM 2023”
Gosford RSL Xmas Competition
The weather was not too kind for the Xmas competition and this resulted in lower than average scores for the competition but fun was had at the weigh in with Santa and his little helpers handing out presents to all the boys and girls not on Santa’s naughty list. Mens Competition 1st Antony O’Dwyer 184.60Continue reading “Gosford RSL Xmas Competition”
Gosford RSL November Competition
The nice weather prompted a good turnout for the last Gosford RSL competition which was reflected in some good weights and fish being weighed in particularly from some of the lady anglers. Kym Russel scored an incredible 264.90 points to win the overall competition from Ashley Fish and her large snapper who scored a veryContinue reading “Gosford RSL November Competition”
BWCFC October Competition
Dave brown took out the last BWCFC Competition for Gosford RSL with a his Blackfish caught in Narara Creek
Gosford RSL v Bateau Bay
With the weather not being too good for most of the weekend the number of anglers was down on the usual for this competition. With only 5 anglers weighing in for Gosford it was always going to be hard for Gosford to win. Bateau Bays top 8 anglers weighed in enough fish to score 920Continue reading “Gosford RSL v Bateau Bay”
September Peninsular Competition
Gary Rothwell made this comment Hi, Attached are RSL and Peninsula co\mpetition results for September I have been compiling competition scores since 2003. In all that time the 639.2 points scored by Scott Russell in this month’s Peninsula Competition is by far the highest I have seen. Scott caught 20.7kg of kingfish, 10.7kg of salmon andContinue reading “September Peninsular Competition”
Marine Rescue
This week saw the club present our annual donation to the Marine Rescue Central Coast as a thank you for the excellent service they provide in keeping the boaties of the Central Coast Safe. The cheque can be seen being presented by Di and Dave Brown and Ray Bates